Looking to the Horizon: An Update on the Bequest

As we consider the best way to use the bequest that Robin Gager (pictured above) generously left us after he passing (learn more about her gift HERE), we want to keep our community apprised of where we are in the decision-making process, as promised when we announced the donation in July.

The question before us was whether we could or should expand our current programs or build new programs, or do both. To answer this question, the committee responsible for recommending a path forward to the Board of Directors (who will ultimately make the decision for the organization) has been hard at work assessing our current programs. At the same time, the committee is also investigating the programs and services available to animals and pet owners in our community to determine how Second Chance can add and supplement in efficient ways.

This committee has now developed four primary options of interest, which we lay out in Saturday’s update, and the Board of Directors has approved a few small expenditures as well. The investigative work continues (as do the final assessments of Second Chance’s organizational health) so we’ll be in touch with another update soon!